How do I become a member?
It's easy! Just signup with CSEA today and start enjoying all the benefits we have to offer!
How do I become an EA?
Steps to becoming an enrolled agent:
Visit Prometric’s Special Enrollment Examination (SEE) webpage to schedule your test appointments, review the SEE Candidate Information BulletinPDF, sample test questions, and other test preparation resources. Achieve passing scores on all three parts of the SEE* within three years.
Apply for enrollment and pay enrollment fee electronically using Pay.gov Form 23 or by downloading Form 23, Application for Enrollment to Practice Before the Internal Revenue ServicePDF and mailing the completed form and a check to the IRS.
Pass a suitability check, which will include tax compliance to ensure that you have filed all necessary tax returns and there are no outstanding tax liabilities; and criminal background.
*Certain IRS employees, by virtue of past technical experience, are exempt from the exam requirement.
Where can I find information on the EA exam?
The IRS has a great section on preparing for and taking the EA exam.
How can I find courses for my continued education?
Besides attending our sponsored dinner meetings, search the Internet for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) providers for Enrolled Agents. You can ask the provider if they have entered into an agreement with the Internal Revenue Service. If they have entered into an agreement, they can provide you with their Sponsor number.
When are the dinner meetings held?
They are generally held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6pm, lasting two hours. See our Events Calendar for additional details.